Friday, October 1, 2010

A problem I have with the French language

Today I went to school for a meeting with the secretary (some housekeeping and paperwork) and lunch with the English teachers. I'll get to the lunch was amazing. First, the secretary, who is probably only a few years older than me, asked that I use the informal tu when speaking with her. I agreed, only because we're about the same age and we are sort of peers. Then when I met up with the teachers, M. Goubin (who is trying to get me to call him Jacques) insisted that I call all of them tu as well. Except, he said, for Clothilde....I'm pretty sure he was making a joke about her age?

So my issue is that this is not the first time someone has insisted I tutoyer them. I really have no idea what the rules are on this! I tend to use vous way too much, just to be on the safe side. But I think sometimes people get offended, like I'm implying that they're old. Sigh. I think eventually I'll get the hang of all this.

The lunch. It was like no school lunch I've ever had! I had turkey with some gravy-type sauce, rice with almonds and raisins in it (that's a big thing here and it's pretty awesome), a salad, a banana, and this apricot mousse with fresh apricot garnish for dessert. There was also a selection of cheeses, sliced baguettes, about 4 other dessert options, and 3 other entree options. I walked through the lunch line (actually skipped to the front, since I am a teacher) wide-eyed, just taking it all in. The French students looked just as bored with their vast array of options as American kids are with typical American cafeteria fare. I wonder if they realize how great they have it?

1 comment:

  1. About the tu / vous issue.
    I'd say you can tutoyer the teachers at the school (excepts those who are way older than you, and who kinda keep this security distance).
    You can also say "tu" to the Assitants d'Education, and some friendly staff from the school (keep vous for the others, you never know...).
    Start with "vous" with the CPE (you know who it is right? they might ask for "tu" at some point, but it's not always the case).
    Always keep "vous" with the headmaster/mistress.

    Basically, at the school, if they "tu" you, you can "tu" them back.

    I could really write a book about it... it's all about the situation. Let me know if you have other issues with the tu/vous...

    And, bon appétit !
    (do you have wine for lunch? I remember the teachers had some bottles on their table in my high school...)
