Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Got this email from Target in my inbox this morning, and it really made me long for a hot, sunny summer. I guess I'm looking forward to a good old American summer after I get home from this crazy European thing I'm doing. Look at those beautiful healthy Americans, flouncing around in their cute Target clothes! And oh! Wedge sandals! And oh! Mix-and-match bikinis! I love the moments in early spring when you realize your coat is open and the sun is shining, and suddenly winter is over. Unfortunately then sometimes you have icy cold pouring rain the next day and you realize it's only early February and you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up.

We've been doing lots lately! Friday was Robin's birthday, so after a mini-party in Laval, we caught the last train to Rennes for a night on the town. It was a good time with the group, even though we didn't get into the club we wanted to. The bars were PACKED, and there were tons of people hanging out in the street. We met a really nice cab driver who chauffeured us to McDonald's. By the time our 7:30 am train arrived at the station, we were really ready to head home and go to bed. I can't believe we actually spent the whole night out. There are a few reasons why I would never really do this at home:

1. My friends aren't really "club people"
2. Everyone has a car
3. There aren't any bigger cities easily accessible by train

So, while it was a really fun time wandering the city, I think we'll wait until the weather is warmer to try it again. Always fun, though, to get dressed up and celebrate!

I also made a rainbow cake to go with a yummy pancake dinner.
It was beautiful and pretty delicious! Yes, those are party hats. (Thanks, mom!) 
Here's a sneaky picture of a woman with a dog in her purse on the bus.
I ate a really delicious grapefruit with sugar on top for breakfast this morning. Unfortunately I spilled juice all over my bed. Typical. Good thing tomorrow is clean sheets day! If Laura and I keep spilling juice in bed they'll probably refuse to wash our sheets soon....

This coming weekend we're celebrating Valentine's Day with a little party in my room! Really looking forward to it! We're making this classy recipe; feel free to try it if you're bored and sober any time this week. Let me know how it turns out!

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