Saturday, September 25, 2010

What do you pack for a year in France?

(Note: for modesty's sake I did not photograph my pile of underwear.)

Answer: Everything you possibly can.

I fly out of Chicago tomorrow, so today is packing day. My room is a bit of a disaster area at the moment, since I have been making strategic piles for the past couple of weeks. I'm trying to strike a packing balance of dress clothes for work, casual but nice clothes for when I'm not at work, and books/supplies for teaching. Oh, did I forget toiletries, shoes, and jackets?

I'm never going to fit all this into two suitcases...


  1. hello hello, i've just read your prosaic piece on packing :) but seriously, i'm liking the writing style, so i can't wait to read more!! [also love that the postmark on the background says laval--trop mignon] happy travels today!!

    bisous, pooja

  2. Eliza-Terry, my dear friend! Just want you to know as this adventure kicks off (sadly to a semi-rocky start), that I am going to miss you terribly, but am even happier that you get this experience and so excited to see what will come of it all. (Sorry, that quite possibly was a run-on sentence). Ok, can't wait to read more and remember, good details please! I want to feel as if I'm living there before I come to visit you ("I want to go to there!")! Much love,

    Caitie J.
